Home alone for 22 days
On June 10 my humans went on a holiday to USA and Canada for three weeks! Unfortunaty I couldn’t come with them. I had to stay home alone, but at least I had the best sitter ever, Francis; humom of @lucandsyl_thecats. She came every morning and evening and even let me play outside. So I had a good time here. She sent pictures to my humom every day. Above you can see some of the pictures she sent.
The trip
My Humans went to New York and from there went with the car to Cape Cod, Boston, Quebec, Montreal. Ottawa, Toronto, Niagara Falls, Detroit and Chicago. And even did things that have to do with, what else, cats!
In New York my humom went to cat cafe Meow Parlour. Read more about it in my blog.
Did you know Cape Cod looks a bit like a cat? She saw a little shop when they drove there that is called Cape Cat. And it’s true, Cape Cod looks a bit like a cat!

Near Boston my humom and catdad met Maria from @kenya1959. She has two kitties called Bella and Brady and a dog called Kenya. Bella looks a lot like me!
In Toronto my humom met Monica and Holly from @pitterpatterfurryfeet. They have two kitties called Finnegan and Alice and a dog called Oliver. The kitties look a lot like me!
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