In memory of Jazz
With pain in our heart we have to let you know that Jazz passed the rainbow bridge. She died in my arms on July 7 when we put her to sleep.
She wasn’t totally herself for a while and we did check ups at the vet but couldn’t find the problem. Last weekend she got a high fever, stopped eating completely and got jaundice. We had her admitted at the vet. And even after trying to help her with medication and feeding her, but on the 7th she got really really bad in a very short time (I will not get in the detail about it). All the results say that it was most likely the dry form of FIP. Jazz was not even 2 yet, she died way too young.
Untill now, all I remember are those final moments of her in my arms where she was not herself and very sick. It was and is hard for me to remember the good days. That is why in memory of her I wanted to write a blog about her. A blog about all her sweet, funny and naughty moments. I made a list of the most things I could remember about her.
- When Jazz was a kitten, her meow was very silent. Almost like when a boy who has not dropped his voice yet. It did change at one point!
- Jazz had such a loud purr. We were not used to it because June’s purr is very modest. It was such a soothing sound and she would start purring by just the slightest touch or even when you said her name.
- There has only been one moment where Jazz was allowed to give June a bath for a few seconds. It melted my heart.
- The first time Jazz was in the bathroom when I was taking a bath, she was very curious and started walking on the edge. She fell in the tub and I caught the moment on video.
- Whenever there was a sport with a ball on the tv (mostly soccer or tennis) Jazz would ‘play‘ with the ball.
- Whenever walking up or down the stairs, you had to be careful when Jazz was around. She would follow you, but also beat you to it. So if you were not careful you could fall.
- And not only on the stairs. As a kitten she also had the habit to walk in front of your feet that you almost would fell down. I only realized later that we caught it on the Petcube and it was too funny not to share.
- Every morning she was waiting for her little bowl of cat milk. That’s the first thing she wanted when we got downstairs.
- You know the stick treats you can break in little pieces? She loved it if we threw the pieces away so she would have to catch them.
- The first few attempts Jazz had a little trouble getting used to our insect screen at the garden door. After a while she got the hang of it, but those first times were very funny.
- Sometimes Jazz was more a dog than a cat. She legit could fetch toys, it was funny too see when the toys were big like the sticks with feathers.
- Jazz was very good at the butt wiggle attack. She mostly did it not even to attack, but before she went outside. Almost like from excitement.
- When in play mode, Jazz could make herself almost disappear how flat she could make herself (including the ears).
- Jazz was a legit member of the ninja club. She had her own moves. I really loved her ninja jump the most.
- One of my most liked and shared photos on our Instagram is the one of Jazz and Brutus in an epic ninja pose.
- Jazz had very long ear fluff and a very fluffy tail. Those were the most topics in the comment section whenever I posted a photo of her.
- Jazz had a signature stretch. She would do it on a daily basis and even multiple times a day.
- When Jazz was sleeping somewhere (either for example the scratching post, the bed or the couch) and you started petting her, she would stretch and most of the time go lie in a funny position and leave her belly open for belly rubs.
- Jazz her bond with my son Mason was growing more and more. She for example napped with him in his bed during his afternoon nap. And we even had a little ritual where every morning when I entered Masons room and opened the roller blind she would get up the windowsill and I could come over with Mason so he could give her a pet.
- Jazz loved to give head bumps. When you wanted to give her a kiss on her head, she would head bump you. She also loved to give you head bumps against your legs. She was such a cuddle buddy.
- No bird could fly, walk or sit by without Jazz noticing and chattering at it.
- She loved the birds so much, she would climb in the bird feeder and pretend to be a bird just to try and catch (which she never did in the end).
- We had to buy child locks for the drawers of our night stands because Jazz would open them in the middle of the night and scoop everything out.
- Jazz loved to bring toys to our bed in the middle of the night. Whenever she did, she dropped it on the bed and gave a little meow. It was most fun when she got to the long sticks (like those with feathers), because they would make a lot of noise coming up the stairs.
- Jazz was a big fan of the neighbors fish pond. She could spend hours next to it, just staring at the fishes. She occasionally even went on the pond. They had a net on it to protect the fish from birds and cats. The neighbor even send a photo of her on the net to me ones.
- This past winter we had some pretty cold days (for us in The Netherlands). We for example had snow for the first time in a few years. But it turned out Jazz hated the winter. She didn’t like going outside until the temperature went back up.
- Jazz loved to climb trees. The neighbors had two of them, and she would go up high to chase birds or just to be a wildcat.
- Almost as if she saw June as her teacher, she took over habits from June. She for example slowly took over some of the favorite places of June to sleep like the back of the couch and the scratch bed at the foot end of our bed.
- As a kitten Jazz loved to sleep in my neck. When she got older, she slept a lot between our head pillows, still close to our heads.
- When Jazz set her mind on sleeping next to me, if it was between my legs or right next to me stomach, she could spent the whole night in the same spot and I would wake up with back pain. But it was worth it!
What were your favorite moments of Jazz? Please let me know in the comment section. It would make a beautiful addition to the this list.
I really love all those Ninja-Posts. They are so funny and the cats seem so happy ♡
But I love the fish-pond-memory aswell because it reminds me of when my cat once caught a fish of our neighbours fish-pond.
Jazz such a special kitty! I loved her ear fluff! She was so adorable! I loved how she brought you toys in the middle of the night ! How she loved the fish pond next door! She even got to bathe June!! So much to love!
Beautiful Jazz ??????
I loved watching her playing with Brutus. They looked like they loved it and the videos made me smile ❤️
I loved the interaction between Jazz and Brutus and the wat she would look at him!
Hi Jazz,
I loved how you had your sister’s back when it was ninja time.
Any ‘bad guy’ cats who came to make trouble, had to face the mighty ninja duo of Jazz & June!
I loved your floof! Such beautiful fur. And such a pretty girl. <3
I loved that she mostly overtook Brutus with her Ninja moves! I always kind of felt that she was standing up and defending her sister June, lol. I will always remember her fondly and have her in my heart ?.
I love the ninja posted of jazz. When her buddy the neighbor cat came along and she jumped on him. So nice and lovely to see.
But loved a lot of things about jazz. She was so gentle and soft to look at. Every picture of her was like she was smiling. The one in the bird feeder amazing ??
Jazz was such a beautiful cat. Last week I cried when I see your post. Jazz was a little ball of joy and fluff, she gave me (and to a lot of people, for sure) happiness, made me smile after a long day of work, made me laugh when playing ninja with Brutus. I can just imagine your pain and the void she left in your life. She sure will be missed, but for tonight, I’ll picture her, proud, standing in the bird feeder ❤️❤️❤️
Jazz was like a beautiful little fox. ? Such a fluffy tail & a beautiful coat. So enjoyed seeing her & June & Brutus play everyday. I’ll miss seeing her sweetness on my ig feed daily. But I do find comfort in the knowing that she indeed lived her v best life while she was here with us. ??
Her fights with Brutus and her winning
I will miss Jazz growing up, her curiosity & her Ninja moves. ??
Hiding in the bird house was also fantastoc. She was soooo cute
Wow, what an amazing, beautiful kitty Jazz was! I have so enjoyed seeing post of her and June on instagram. Her ninja moves were awesome and I loved to see the way she would set up camp by the neighbours fish pond!! What a cheeky kitty!! My kitty, Maisie loves to lay with me in the same way as Jazz did with you, stretched out on my legs! I can’t move all night!! I know how much you will miss her. Sending lots of love from the UK xx
I just loved her sweet eyes and she was mischievous , you could feel she was young , fresh and innocently pure only looking at her. Love you little Jazz , now you’re in the heaven for cats continuing playing certainly…we already miss you .
I really like your page of June and Jazz and was so sorry to hear of her passing. I really like her ninja moves. I am also envious of how free they were to explore the outdoors. I have leash-trained my cats in the past. Now I have had my balcony (7×3m) professionally enclosed with cat-proof fencing. I now live on the 3rd floor. I hope you will consider a buddy for June soon. When Mukki passed last year, I was convinced I would get a new buddy for Chuppa very soon. But she’s now 11 and become extremely close. I’m not sure I can put her thru the stress. Keep up the good work. Love your pages and Insta. Huggers for June.
Dear Jazz
I had been following your meowmy and sister June on Instagram for a few months when you suddenly appeared in my feed.
Coincidence or not, I was having a very hard time at that time and you brightened up every single day.
I will never forget your beauty (inside and out) and your beautiful eyes!
I’ll especially remember your ninja moves or chilling in the garden with Brutus and June (you in the bird house – delicious!).
When you carried around this stick with feathers, which was much bigger than you, I had to laugh from the bottom of my heart. And also when you unintentionally ended up in your meowmy’s bathtub.
Every time you were on top of a tree, I got goose bumps.
Oh dear Jazz, I will miss you. Thank you for giving us – your followers – so much joy. And also a big thank you to your meowmy for sharing you (and June) with us!
A big hug!
P.S. If it’s possible, could you please say hello to my loved ones in heaven? 🙂
We are happy to have met you, beautiful Jazz, and we’ll miss you ???much as if you were our angel.. ????
Jazz was beautiful, funny and brave. She never backed down from a confrontation with Brutus or June. I loved the Ninja moves of both June and Jazz – both very special cats. It was always great to see her in a tree, on the roof, in the birdhouse or by the fish pond. She was an adventure cat in her own backyard. The video of her falling in the tub was funny but I felt so sorry to see her scrabbling to get out as fast as possible.
Thank you for sharing her adventures with theInstagram community. Always remember the good times. Xoxoxo
My favorite Jazz post (maybe it was a Story) was when she was on a shelf above Mason reaching down trying to touch him. It was a video and the baby was a little bit out of range. The caption said, “Let me pet you, Mason.”
Okay! I’m sorry to say but my favorite moments of Jazz was when she tried to trip you. ?? In reality there were many moments I enjoyed watching like when Brutus meet his match ??. Man did she have that guy running ??♂️ ? and it kinda saddens me that June never really warmed up to Jazz but in a wired way I did like to watch cute little Jazzy trying to be friends with June or just be around her and June moving away from her. It always made me want to pick Jazz up, hold her close, give her kisses ? and tell her it’s okay I’ll be your friend ☺️ I loved watching her and June sit in the back yard watching the world go by and her trying to catch them birds ? She will be greatly missed but I’m glad you have memories to share with us time and again to remember your beautiful, wonderful, fur baby kitty named Jazz.
I loved her ninja moves!
She was so sweet and I looked forward to watching her everyday.
I’ve been following and speaking with you for a few years now. there are so many memories that come to mind, but the one that sticks out the most and one of my faves is the first time she got up in the bird house and just layer in there expecting a bird or two to land. It was so cute. Another funny moment is when you posted her carrying her big toys around the house and getting stuck i places where she had to figure out how to turn it the right way to get to her destination. Lastly, when we got to see her parents and how she came to look is another fave of mine. She was certainly entertaining and adorably cute!
Alas, I have not followed your Instagram closely enough to recall your posts about Jazz. But on January of this year I lost my Maine Coon, an orange and white tabby named Zola, to hypertropic cardiomyopathy; he was not yet 9 years old.
I had thought Zola died too young, but Jazz’s life was far shorter.
We are finding solace in Empire, a Maine Coon kitten (now 9 months old) who we adopted after Zola’s death.
May you find your own solace. And may Jazz have sunlight and play in the next world, if there is one.
I love your Kity’s June Jazz and yes, their friend Brutus. I cried when she must go too soon. Every single day I waited what she did and it made me so happy. I love when Brutus came and finally they fought :). But Brutus kept coming and kept fighting, so cats things. Everything about Jazz was amazing to me. June is kind of style of my cat so I understand completely, especially the relation she had with ‘new cat’. But of course nothing can stop for loving June (and my Kitty). Be strong lovely family ?
These are some lovely memories of sweet Jazz. I always loved watching her ninja moves and her curious, playful nature but also enjoyed watching her and June last year cooling down on a hot day with the tuna ice you made for them. I hope remembering all these moments eases the sadness of her passing.
I followed your insta account only after seeing jazz showing her ninja moves to her other sibling under the chair and coming out sliding. I found it very naughty and Cute. I could relate to it as I m sort of troubling my sister’s too.
We love you Jazz ❤ we will always remember you and your Ninja Moves ?
I love how she jump out the screen while bringing hair tie, but her ninja attack with brutus and june were the best..
My favorite video of Jazz is the one that you posted in May 2020. It’s the one where she waves her paw when you said ‘hi’ to her.
The video of Jazz in the bird feeder always makes me laugh no matter how many times I’ve seen it. It captures how funny and silly she was. What an adorable beauty! I know she’s having party up there in kitty paradise getting into endless silly antics! ?❤️
I love the photos of Jazz in the bird feeder! She was an excellent Ninja too and could jump like a gymnast! That great big tail must have helped her balance. I loved the video where Brutus charged at June and Jazz and they split and ran in separate directions. Jazz and June had great Ninja moves too. It’s so painful losing a pet and she was much too young. Thank you so much for all you put on your blog. One last note, I loved the Christmas pictures of the cats with the wreaths. Jazz is greatly missed. Take good care.
And my favorite one was with Jazz awkwardly getting through the insect screen! Hilarious! Will always remember your foxy kitty… ?❤
I loved the video of you saying hello to Jazzz , and Jazz lifts up her paw like saying hello back at you!That was so adorable ? Loved the sweetness of her face, and everything else about her! She was definitely a sweetheart and you capture her sweet face so well in the pictures that you took of her! ❤️❤️❤️
There are SO MANY posts and stories to favorite, it’s hard to pick just one. So if I HAVE to pick, it would be the video post (December 20, 2019) when Jazz is little and she is sitting right next to June. Jazz is trying so hard to make friends with June and be just like her. June looks at her and seems to say ‘this is not happening’ and leaves. Jazz is so sweet and you just know that she is going to eventually win over June. I think that is the most wonderful thing about Jazz’s personality. A floofy tailed, big whiskered bundle of love. When I first saw Jazz I thought ‘oh no, she’s going to take over and dominate June, and we won’t see posts of June anymore because Jazz is the cute kitten’. Well, that didn’t happen, June is as magnificent as ever and has matured to be a lovely lady. Jazz did win my heart, so full of love, fun, whimsey, curiosity, and energetic playfulness. I have such sadness that she has left us, but I am comforted by the enduring memory of her and all of your beautiful photos and videos. My deep thanks for sharing these with all of us. Peace & Love + Whiskers
I was so sorry to hear of Jazz’s passing ? my favorite memory of her is up on the roof and in the trees in the back yard. She was so happy in her perfect kitty kingdom ? ? I also loved the post a few months back of her sleeping in the cat condo and she stretches out for you to rub her belly. You gave her a wonderful life!
Jazz was such a beautiful and playful cat. I loved seeing all her adventures with June and Brutus. Just seeing the posts of her and June always brightened my day. Thank you for sharing her with all of us followers. Although she is gone too soon,
it is clear she was well loved and cared for and had a wonderful life. ❤?
De buttwiggle met het chachacha muziekje eronder was het beste ooit!
Jazz was a beautiful ball of sunshine who lit up Instagram the short time she had with you. Thank you for sharing all those precious moments , your photos do a great job of telling her story … Jazz in the bird feeder or showing off her Ninja moves are my favourites.
Jazz will be deeply missed but never forgotten .
I loved the time you set up the toilet paper and to see Jazz jump with grace, so sweet.
Jazz was such a beautiful and playful kitty. My heart absolutely hurts for her loss. Thank you for sharing her moments with us. I always looked forward to seeing her adorable ninja moves and bird talk. She really know how to make someone smile. My thoughts and prayers are with your family during this difficult time. Jazz will forever live on hearts and spirit.
Your beautiful kitty still brings a smile to my face in her videos (ninja moves), her regal poses in pictures and that big fluffy tail! I am so sorry for the loss of your precious baby! *Hugs*. Jazz was spoiled by you and had a wonderful life ❤️
I loved that Jazz would drag big toys around when she wanted to play! It reminds me of my kitties. She was so funny and fluffy! I also loved when she started playing with Brutus because at first it seemed like Brutus was a little intimidated of Jazz’s intensity!
Poor beautiful cat