Secret Santa 2016
Together with nine of my good Dutch Instagram furriends we did a #dutchsecretsanta, just like last year. Secret Santa is a game where you exchange Christmas presents anonymously with a group of, for example, friends or family. You’re each assigned to another member of the group for whom to provide a small gift. In our case, it’s a gift for the cats of course!
My Secret Santa
Today was finally the day I got to unwrap my gift! When you have it laying under the Christmas tree for a while, you really can’t wait till it’s Christmas!
I had some great presents this year and I had @the_coonies to thank for it all. I got different kind of toys and yummy treats. I also got this pawesome tie you see in the picture below. Looks good on me right?
Even my humans got a gift: A yummie bar a chocolate. It’s too bad I can’t have any of that!
We got to send our Secret Santa gift to @avelthesiberiancat Avel and his brother Scar. And even though she is not a cat, we also gave a little present to their dog @carah_the_swiss_white_shepherd.

Secret Santa included my furriends @avelthesiberiancat, @thebirmanbrothers, @the_coonies, @floracats, @mirlilevy_cats, @powerpuffkittehs, @purrminators, @serious_bo and @thorandlokithecats.
We had a great time finding you the present! Merry Christmas! X thecoonies