We are ninja cats
Everybody is Kung Fu fighting, these cats are fast as lighting..
For those of you who have been following me on Instagram for a while, you know I’m known for my amazing ninja moves. Ever since Brutus, our neighbor cat, came into my life we have been practicing non stop! And Jazz has also joined the ninja party ever since she has been able to go outside. We thought it would be fun to show you our best moves over the past few years.
Who is Brutus?
A little introduction for those who don’t know him yet. Brutus is our neighbor! He is a ginger born in 2017 and lives in the house that is attached to our garden at the back. Brutus and I first met back in 2018 and ever since he’s been coming to our garden every day.
What started out with getting to know each other by gently sniffing changed into epic ninja battles we share almost every day.
Once Jazz was allowed to go outside, she instantly wanted to join the pawty. We teached her a few moves and now she is a junior ninja.
Best moves of June
Over the past few years I have developed some signature moves during my ninja battles. Did you notice? The moves I do the most are:
- Ninja roll
- Smell my butt
- Play dead
- Paw smash
- Speed running
- Knock over
Watch all my moves in the compilation videos below!
Best moves of Jazz
Playing ninja with Jazz is a whole other game. Jazz has a lot of energy! She is still learning, but has developed a few signature moves (and also copied a bit from us):
- Big hug
- High jump
- Boop
- Speed running
Watch all these moves in the compilation videos below!
Best moves of Brutus
Brutus is mostly the beginning factor of every ninja fight. He loves to play and also has a few moves that he loves to do:
- Surprise jump
- Boop
- Abort attack
Watch these moves in the compilation videos below!
Is your kitty a ninja too?
I have a short hair female tabby named Chiqui, she is a great ninja! Waits for the perfect moment to atack?. She is the youngest of 6 so the seniors, sometimes “correct” her behaviour with paws and hissing. Crazy cat family we are? . We love your videos on IG, send you blessings from Argentina??
I wish just once Junior would clean Brutus’ clock. I was glad to see that in one of her moves she backs him up and stands her ground. Brutus is a bully! He hits her hard. But she must he having a good time because if she wasn’t she’d refuse to go and/or stay out when he’s loose.
Now Jazzy can give him what for. I was glad to see her knocking him about the way he does June. Very satisfying to witness. They sure get a workout. No wonder they sleep a lot! You have two very beautiful kitties and much to be proud of!!!