Year overview: 2015

2015 is over and is was a great year. A lot has happened this past year. In this blog you can read some of these great things from the past year in a year overview.

Best moments of 2015

  • I got my own website where you can find among other things a blog, a portfolio of businesses worked with, art by great artist, photos and many more!
  • An interviewer came by our house to interview Humom and I and we got in to our local newspaper. Someone even came by to take some photos of us for the paper.
  • Humom got to be on the local radio (it is in Dutch of course) to talk about me and our Instagram account and how I got this many followers.
  • Humom met some Dutch crazy Instagram catladies and it turned into a great friendship. January 10 she will see them again.
  • I’m featured in the Animals Of Instagram 2016 calendar (which is the second time, because I was also in the one from Animals Of Instagram 2015 calendar)

And I got a lot of new furriends which led to ending 2015 with 68.000+ followers on Instagram!

Here are my most liked photos from 2015!

Thank you all for the follows, likes and comments.

x Junethekitty
