Year overview: 2016

2016 is over and it flew by don’t you thing? I love to share some moments of mine from the past year with you in a year overview.

Best moments of 2016

  • This is the second year I have my website live. I love to share everything with you through here!
  • Humom had not one, but two great meetings with Dutch crazy cat ladies from Instagram.
  • The neighborhood got renovated. Before there was a lot of trees an bushes, now it’s open and I can see people walking, cars driving and children playing. That makes it a lot more fun.
  • I had my first encounter with falling snow.
  • Humom got a new camera and can now take even better pictures of me!
  • My humans went on a three week vacation and left me at home. Of course I had a great sitter, but it sure was a long time they were gone.
  • Humom went to visit some of our Instagram furriends in USA and Canada while she was on holiday there.
  • @Serious_Bo, one of our Dutch crazy cat lady friends, came to visit me at home.
  • I had my first long road trip. At first it was scary, but the ride back home was fun!
  • Our house is for sale and if it sells, we will be moving to a new and bigger home in 2017!
  • My humans got engaged in October and will marry january 2017!

Here are my most liked photos from 2016!


Thank you all for the follows, likes and comments.

x Junethekitty
