Year overview: 2020

2020 is officially over and I love to share some moments of mine from the past year with you in a year overview. Find out what all of these moments were in this blog post.

Best moments of 2020

  • December of last year Jazz came into our lives so this year was a lot of firsts for Jazz. For example she got to go outside and meet Brutus! And we made a lot of fun videos with my him.
  • We did some great collaborations with different brands like Gourmet, zooplus and Snoozle.
  • We were featured in Dutch magazine called Vriendin.
  • This is the sixth year I have my website live! Thank you all for visiting my website.
  • We have a baby brother now called Mason!
  • And of course Covid-19.. not the best thing of 2020 but the good thing it brought is our humans working from home and spending even more time with us!

Below you can see the most likes photos from 2020 from my Instagram. Funny enough all photos (no videos) and all from the last two months of 2020.

Thank you for another great year!

x Junethekitty
